Acdemic articles
and other writings by Ami Korren
Following are various articles and publications in English. For publications in Hebrew, please click here

Identical Dual Lattices and Subdivision of Space
Research Thesis, Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Submitted to the Senate of the Technion – Israeli Institute of technology, June 2003
Other Technion acdemic works
- Periodic 2-manifolds surfaces which divide the space into two identical subspaces
- Master thesis, Haifa, Israel – 1993
- Research that was carried out in the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning of the Technion – Israel Institute of tecnology Under the supervision of Prof. Michael Burt
- Functional comparison of different kinds of walls
- Technion – Building Research station, October 1988 - January 1989. (With Dr. Rachel Beker)
- Survay of mold problems in beach-area apartment buildings
- Technion – Building Research station, August 1983. (With Dr. Rachel Beker)

International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS-Structures) talks
- Rigid Edge, Building Attached Membrane Structures
- Tensile Stuructures case study: Amado roof stucture, Technion-Israel
- IASS Symposia, 2006, Beijing, China
- Click here for full paper
- Self-Dual (Identical) Space Lattices and Hyperbolic Space Partitions (With Prof Michael Burt)
- IASS-APCS 2003, October, 2003, Taipei, Taiwan

The International Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Symmetry (ISIS-Symmetry) convention papers
- 2-Manifolds Surfaces and Space Partitions
- Symmetry: Art and Science – 2004. Sixth Interdisciplinary Symmetry Congress and Exhibition of ISIS-Symmetry. The Journal of the International Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Symmetry
- ISIS - Visual Mathematics Papers - Volume 7, No. 2, 2005
- Paper available on the VisMath website
- Identical Dual Networks and Subdivision of Space
- Symmetry Festival in Budapest, 16-22 August 2003
- Identical Dual Lattices and Subdivision of Space
- Symmetry: Art and Science, The 5th ISIS-Symmetry Congress & Exhibition in Sydney, July 2001, p.84
- ISIS - Visual Mathematics Papers - Volume 3, No. 4, 2001
- Paper available on the VisMath website
- The E.P.R. Approach to Subdivision of Space into Two Identical Subspaces
- (With Prof. M. Burt)
- Book of Abstracts ISIS – Symmetry fourth international congress and exhibition. Technion, Haifa , Israel September 1998
- Self-Dual Space Lattices and Periodic Hyperbolic surfaces
- (With Prof. M. Burt)
- Symmetry: Culture and Science, vol. 6 #1, 1995
- Symmetry: Natural and Artificial, (ISIS symmetry) Symmetrion, Budapest ,1995
- Read article here

Periodic Hyperbolic Surfaces and Subdivision of 3-Space
(With Prof Michael Burt)
Katachi U Symmetry Symposium, Extended abstract, November 1994 – Japan Katachi U Symmetry Springer Verlag Tokyo 1996 Hyperspace, vol. 3, #3, Dec. 1994 – Japan